Friday, September 28, 2007

Backwards Planning

My basic project idea is to ceate a project that would explain and
show how the three branches of government works. I would have to get
information from other sources and put it together in an organized
manner. My history books will be a good source of information as well
as websites that explains the three branches. I will try to get more
books and important facts from my history teacher. My final product
should be my own website and maybe a powerpoint.
My first step will be to organize my information and then figure out
what is important and what needs to be put into me project.
Next Will think about organization and how to put together my
information in a logical manner.
Then I would put my information in either a website or however I
decide to present my work.

Research Questions

Why is the American government seperated into three branches? The governement is set up into three branches becuause each branch has a specific role to play. The legislatiive branch main job is to make laws, the judicial branch interperets laws and the judicial branch makes the laws happen. A system of checks and balances is used so that no branch has more power than the others. They share equal power, this is important because we need to know how the government operates because it effects us in a lot of ways.
What is the difference between the Electoral vote and the popular vote?

Why is it only the house that can impeach the president and not also the senate? Why isn't this power shared?

What happens if the judicial branch rejects a law proposed by the legislative branch?

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

My Portfolio Project

My main purpose of this project will be tom demonstrate how the supreme court works. I will show how the three branches work and how they are equal. I will explain and display how the system of checks and balances is effective, and also in what ways it's not effective. The supreme court will be a big part of my project because it's basicallly the judicial branch, i will talk about present supreme court cases and how it's influenced by pass events in Amerrican history.
My project will be presented on a website and also I'm thinking of using a powerpoint that would break things down in a different and maybe more creative way. I will touch a bit on the War on Terror and how the other branches of government responds to it. My main concern about this project is organization and how well it would be together. And I hope that however it turns out that it will make sense and be interesting to others. I'm also looking forward to understanding tha government more, because their's a few things that I don't understand so well.However i'm really looking forward to it and hope it will be sucessful.